In France, 70% of companies have suffered at least one fraud attempt and 33% at least one proven case of fraud in 2017. The damage is considerable with 10% of the companies attacked having suffered damages of more than 100K € on average. A majority of these cases are due to the manipulation of information and identity theft. Cases easily avoidable with PapSign.
Source: Euler Hemes DFCG 2018PapSign PDF signature
The easy to use signature solution for PDF. A simple process that allows you to sign and have your documents signed in seconds with as many signatories as you want. The PapSign signature also guarantees the authenticity of your signed document. Real-time tracking of signatures with its management tools will greatly expedite your signature processes.
PapSign printable signature
The 21st century printable signature solution, unmatched on the market, gives you unparalleled protection of your documents against tampering and identity theft. Ideal for preventing supplier fraud. A printed signature is a safer signature because paper cannot be hacked. The Software Development Kit (SDK) will allow you to easily generate your protected documents. You can also automate the data acquisition of your incoming documents protected by PapSign with it.
Offres sous réserve de modification
Offres sous réserve de modification
PapSign assists you with its advanced technology, exceeding the international encryption recommendations of the ANSSI, NIST and many other organizations. Whether your sensitive documents are on paper or in digital form, our innovative technology has been designed to be the simplest, safest and most flexible on the market. We can meet your most stringent needs with our fully offline software ecosystem without making your valuable data vulnerable.
How the printable signature works
You have a document or message you wish to protect. Usually you would choose one that contains important information.
You create a PapSign signature from the document's content you wish to protect using one of the available tools, or leave it to the automated system if you installed one.
Anyone can now verify that the document or message was written by you and was unaltered before reaching them, no matter what happened to it during transit.